Report on one of the 70+ children in the Abdi Bori program.
Abdi Borii (AB) is a small organization established by Barlow’s family to help the burden of street children, orphan children and a severely poor children living with their family in 2009.
The source is needed to be checked from people who knows the number of children assisted by this family organization to identify the number of children who are helped to achieve their high school /preparatory school.
There are four people that are operating this program.
AB coordinator, . BA degree holder in Sociology and Social Anthropology​
AB cook – cooking stew, High school complete
AB cleaner and food provider, High school student.
AB baker –baking Injera, Diploma in progress.
Activities of AB
AB provides the following to the children:
Medical care
Daily Lunch
School Uniform
Stationeries (school supplies)
Tutorial Class
Dormitory service
Hygiene supply
School fee (monthly school tuition)
Clothing and shoes
Home visit
Background of student 1 briefly:
Name: Yakob
Grade 7
Age 13
Mother’s name: Mitike
Father’s name: Busa
Being helped at Abdii Borii from grade 2 (six years ago)
Background story of his family
Yakob's mother used to collect and sell firewood (used for cooking) and couldn't do so anymore as she has no energy and getting sick usually. Currently, she is baking Injera for people and she gets Injera as her payment, which the family eats. Yakob's father assists in a shop where animal flesh is sold (butcher shop) and earns only ETB 30 ($1.40)/day whenever they slaughter an Ox. They (father, mother and two children) live in a room (3x3 m) or (10ft x 10ft) owned by Orthodox Church, which the church provided to beggars and severely poor family. The grand fathers and grandmothers of Yakob used to own a small farm land where they used to cultivate, but later on taken over by big farm owners, then later on moved to Gimbie town. From Gimbie, the grandfathers started working as daily laborers and grandmothers collecting and selling firewood where they also brought up their children and failed to send their children to school. Yakob's father has attended school up to grade four while Yakob's mother has attended none. The family couldn’t even afford feeding their children and gave Yakob's mother for adoption.
Their situation made me curse Satan again. I felt like selling all my belongings and help them. Someone who knows Ethiopia can tell Yakob’s mother, Mitike, is beautiful lady. But, she is devastated with the unfortunate life she is running. Even though, she is young considering her age, she is getting old so quickly. Jesus must come very soon!
Success of Abdi Borii in the process
Yakob is very silent person and very lazy in his school. However, with the help and continuous follow up of Derartu, he is highly improving in becoming self-dependent. Had it not been the help of Derartu, he could have still been maximum in grade 3 or 4. The good thing about Yakob is, he learned how to read by himself, do his homework and became average student. He is so clean and behaves very well both at home and in school. He has no bad record. This is the success of Abdi Borii.